You always start with scribbling !

When my fellow classmates were studying economics during the second year of college, I was busy cursing myself for choosing economics and of course scribbling something side by side on sheets of paper. Hated those classes where I pushed myself to attend them saying, “its alright, this will end, it has to”. At the end of every mathematics class, self esteem srtaight down with fifty percent!Oh! Now I think about it and it all feels so dramatic, *sigh* !! So in all this mess, in some corner, quietly, this is what I was scribbling.
Manmohan Singh

Abraham Lincon 
Albert Einstein

 Scribbling faces of famous personalities on ‘waste sheets of paper’. Caricature is what it's called in technical terms. In a way making these helped me, it helped me feel better about myself in spite of being in the wrong place. Now I can say it was all planned, when I see myself writing for my readers. :)
Marilyn Monroe
Jim Carrey
Michael Jackson
 Its all a part of the journey, these beautiful turns, tough roads, missing a turn, getting lost after the wrong turn until we find our way back.Don’t stop, keeping going until you find the way !! Looking at these caricatures make me feel so wonderful. :D
Mahatma Gandhi
Barack Obama

Meet you'll soon with something new. :)     Keep scribbling, you never know what may come out of it !


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