
Showing posts from April 29, 2014


Why is art being categorized all the time ?! IT'S ART FOR GOD'S SAKE !! Why is that you need to explain your art in a particular medium or style ?! The whole point of being an artist is that you do what you feel like making in that moment and don't give a rat's ass about anything else ! Criticism is good, it's needed, but categorizing an artist in the process of criticism is what demotivates me.  An incident in my art school helps me explain this better.  A presentation for one of my subjects was to happen (for which, most of us came unprepared, in spite of all the time given to us, *sigh*).  Everything was happening. Work not up to the mark, agreed, performed poorly, agreed, all criticism take in a good spirit and made sure we get it done before the next session. The story towards the end goes this way ~~  " If you want to become an artist, bring out the energy, and if Gauguin, in the forest doing his thing is what you want to be the